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Zahara de los Atunes

Costa de la Luz

Andalucia · Spain


6 Apr - 16 Apr 2013

Observers: F. Simpson




This was another university field course trip based around Zahara de los Atunes on the Costa de la Luz in Cadiz province in south-west Spain. Much of the time was spent around Zahara, Barbate and the Valle de Ojén in the Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales. Some time was possible for birding but in general the following notes document the observations at the various student study sites.

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 Vejer de la Frontera © Fraser Simpson

Vejer de la Frontera




Zahara de los Atunes & Costa de la Luz Systematic List  6-16 April 2013


Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

10+, Emblase de Almodóvar, 8-Apr.

12, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 11-Apr.

181, La Janda, 11-Apr.

150+, La Janda 12-Apr.


Northern Shoveler  Anas clypeata

Pr, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


Red-legged Partridge  Alectoris rufa

2, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

2, Km-4 A2227, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr.

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

Pr, La Janda, 11-Apr.

3 prs, La Janda, 15-Apr.

Pr, over N340 near Bolonia exit, 16-Apr.


Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) © Fraser Simpson


Common Quail  Coturnix coturnix

1 singing, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Pheasant  Phasianus  colchicus

Common, La Janda (Venta de Retín-Canal Colector del Este-Cortijo de la Mediana-Puente de Celemín), 31-Mar.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.

3, La Janda, 12-Apr.

Several displaying males, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Little Grebe  Tachybaptus ruficollis

1, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Cory's Shearwater  Calonectris diomedea

1 NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11:10>11:31, 9-Apr.


Balearic Shearwater  Puffinus mauretanicus

3 NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11:10>11:31, 9-Apr.


Northern Gannet  Morus bassanus

2 NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11:10>11:31, 9-Apr.


Great Cormorant  Phalacrocorax carbo

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


European Shag  Phalacrocorax aristotelis

1 NW, Playa de Zahara 19:21, 7-Apr.


Little Bittern  Ixobrychus minutus

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


Black-crowned  Night Heron  Nycticorax nycticorax

Probably nesting in La Janda.

10+, at dawn, La Janda, 15-Apr.


 Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) © Fraser Simpson


Squacco Heron  Ardeola ralloides

2, around heronry, La Janda, 12-15 Apr.


Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis

c350, in fields around Tahivilla, 6-Apr.

c200, Facina-N340-Zahara road end, 8-Apr.

c200, Facina-N340-Zahara road end, 10-Apr.

30+, La Zarzuela, 10-Apr.

12, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

84, La Janda, 11-Apr.

100, Km 51-52, N340, 11-Apr.

350+ prs incubating in heronry, La Janda, 12-15 Apr.

113, in fields, La Janda, 12-Apr.

20, La Barca de Vejer, 14-Apr.


Cattle Egret

Sound recording: Calls from incubating Cattle Egrets in a large heronry in La Janda.


Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) © Fraser Simpson


Little Egret  Egretta garzetta

1, Km-1, A2231, Barbate Estuary, 7-Apr.

1, Km-2, A2231, Barbate Estuary, 7-Apr.

1, Km-1, A2231, Barbate Estuary, 11-Apr.

34, La Janda, 11-Apr.

10's of pairs incubating in heronry, La Janda, 12-15 Apr.

59, in flooded fields, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Little Egret

Sound recording: Calls from incubating Little Egrets in a large heronry in La Janda.


LIttle Egret (Egretta garzetta) © Fraser Simpson


Great Egret  Casmerodius albus

1, La Janda, 12-Apr.

1, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

1 NW, 300m offshore, Atlanterra, 9-Apr.

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

18, La Janda, 11-Apr.

21, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Purple Heron  Ardea purpurea

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 12-Apr.


White Stork  Ciconia ciconia

Regularly noted along the A-2227 between Zahara de los Atunes and Venta de Retín.

1, in off the sea, Atlanterra, 7-Apr.

12, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

28, La Janda, 11-Apr.

66, inc 23 kettling, La Janda, 12-Apr.

Nest in pylon, La Barca de Vejer, 14-Apr.


Marismas del Barbate © Fraser Simpson

Marismas del Barbate


Glossy Ibis  Plegadis falcinellus

7, La Janda, 11-Apr.

10+ prs, breeding in heronry, La Janda, 12-15 Apr.


Glossy Ibis

Sound recording: Calls from a Glossy Ibis taking flight in windy conditons along with a Mallard.


Sonogram of Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) calls © Fraser Simpson

Glossy Ibis  Plegadis falcinellus

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 14' 24.6'' N  5º 56' 53.5'' E  3 April 2012  1700h

Sonogram of calls from a Glossy Ibis taking flight in windy conditons along with a Mallard.  [File name: glossyibis0403170030e]


Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) © Fraser Simpson


Northern Bald Ibis  Geronticus eremita

12 NW, Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 7-Apr.

5, feeding at roadside, Km-3 A2231, Barbate-Zahara.

5, N over Zahara de los Atunes, 8-Apr.

1, with sat-tag wire, circling over Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

5-6 prs, nest-building & mating on one cliff face on the south-east side of La Barca de Vejer, 14-15 Apr.


Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) © Fraser Simpson


Eurasian Spoonbill  Platalea leucorodia

Possibly nesting in La Janda.

20, La Janda, 11-Apr.

33, La Janda, 12-Apr.

20+, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) © Fraser Simpson


Eurasian Griffon Vulture  Gyps fulvus

Regularly seen from Zahara over Sierra de Retín & Sierra de la Plata.

43, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

2, Facinas, 10-Apr.

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

6, over Sendero Arroyo San Carlos de Tiradero, 13-Apr.

3, over Mirador Puerto de Ojén, 13-Apr.

6, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.


Egyptian Vulture  Noephron percnopterus

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.


Osprey  Pandion haliaetus

1 NW, Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 7-Apr.

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Short-toed Eagle  Circaetus gallicus

2, over Facinas, 8-Apr

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1, Km-42 N340, between Tahivilla and Facinas, 10-Apr.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.

1, over Mirador Puerto de Ojén, 13-Apr.

1, over Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.


Booted Eagle  Aquila pennata

2, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1, La Janda, 12-Apr.

1, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blnaco, 13-Apr.

2, over Mirador Puerto de Ojén, 13-Apr.


Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales


Black Kite  Milvus migrans

Regularly noted along the A-2227 between Zahara and Venta de Retín.

2, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1, Tarifa, 16-Apr.


Western Marsh Harrier  Circus aeruginosus

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 12-Apr.

1, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Montagu's Harrier  Circus pygargus

Regular along the N340 between La Janda, Tahivilla and Facina.

Regular around Parque Eolico on the A-2227 between Zahara and Venta de Retín.

3 NW, Zahara de los Atunes, 7-Apr.

1, Km-3 A2231, Barbate-Zahara, 7-Apr.

1-cy NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11:30, 8-Apr.

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Common Buzzard  Buteo buteo

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

2, over Mirador Puerto de Ojén, 13-Apr.

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.


Eurasian Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

1, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.

1, in off the sea, Mirador del Estrecho, 16-Apr.


Black-winged Kite  Elanus caeruleus

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


La Janda © Fraser Simpson

La Janda


Common Kestrel  Falco tinnunculus

1, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.

1, mobbing Ravens at outcrops, 1, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr.

1, La Barca de Vejer, 15-Apr.


Lesser Kestrel  Falco naumanni

4, El Palomar de la Breña, 9-Apr.

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

3, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Peregrine  Falco peregrinus

1-cy, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Common Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

1, in freshwater pool, Km-1 A2231, Barbate-Zahara, 7-Apr.

14, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

8, La Janda, 11-Apr.

9, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Eurasian Coot  Fulica atra

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Purple Swamphen  Porphyrio porphyrio

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

2, Canal Colector del Este, La Janda, 11-Apr.

3, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 12-Apr.

4, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Purple Swamphen


Sound recording: Calls from a pair of Purple Swamphens in Canal Colector del Este.


Purple Swamphen  (Porphyrio porphyrio) © Fraser Simpson


Black-winged Stilt  Himantopus himantopus

7, upper estuary, Zahara de los Atunes, 8-Apr.

38, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

17, La Janda, 11-Apr.

65, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Black-winged Stilt

Sound recording: Calls from a Black-winged Stilt in flight.


Collared Pratincole  Glareola pratincola

4, La Janda, 12-Apr.

1, over the N340 near Facinas, 14-Apr.

2, over N340, near Tahivilla, 16-Apr.


Collared Pratincole

Sound recording: Flights calls from a migrant party settling over a ploughed field.


Little Ringed Plover  Charadrius dubius

Pr displaying, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Ringed Plover  Charadrius hiaticula

4, Embalse de Almodóvar, 13-Apr.


Kentish Plover  Charadrius alexandrinus

3, inc displaying bird, Zahara de los Atunes lower estuary, 6-Apr.

2 prs,at campsite, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 7-Apr.


Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) © Fraser Simpson


Grey Plover  Pluvialis squatarola

1, Km-2 A2231, Barbate Estuary, 7-Apr.


Sanderling  Calidris alba

1, Zahara de los Atunes lower estuary, 6-Apr.


Ruddy Turnstone  Arenaria interpres

2, Barbate Estuary, 15-Apr.


Dunlin  Calidris alpina

4, Barbate Estuary, 15-Apr.


Wood Sandpiper  Tringa glareola

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Green Sandpiper  Tringa ochropus

4, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Common Sandpiper  Actitis hypoleucos

1, lower estuary, Zahara de los Atunes, 6-Apr.

6, upper estuary, Zahara de los Atunes, 8-Apr.

1, Embalse de Almodóvar, 10-Apr.

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Common Redshank  Tringa totanus

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Common Greenshank  Tringa nebularia

2, Barbate Estuary, 15-Apr.


Arctic Skua  Stercorarius parasiticus

1, Zahara de los Atunes, 15-Apr.


Almadraba, Zahara de los Atunes © Fraser Simpson


Black-headed Gull  Chroicocephalus ridibundus

12, La Janda, 11-Apr.

60, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Mediterranean Gull  Larus melanocephalus

1st-s, La Janda, 11-Apr.

1st-s, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Yellow-legged Gull  Larus michahellis

Common along the coast.

58, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 9-Apr.

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

62, La Janda, 11-Apr.

10+, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus

32 NW, Playa de Zahara, 18:57>19:14, 7-Apr.

24 NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11:10>11:31, 9-Apr.

4, La Janda, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Audouin's Gull  Larus audouinii

1, Barbate Estuary, Km-2 A2231 Barbate-Zahara, 7-Apr.

2, Zahara de los Atunes, 15-Apr.


Audouin's Gull (Larus audouinii) © Fraser Simpson


Little Tern  Sternula albifrons

4, Barbate Estuary, 15-Apr.


Sandwich Tern  Sterna sandvicensis

Regular around the Almadraba at Zahara de los Atunes.

1 NW, Playa de Zahara, 19:00, 7-Apr.

2 NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11:31>11:38, 9-Apr.

1, Barbate Estuary, 15-Apr.


Whiskered Tern  Childonias hybrida

80+, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Gull-billed Tern  Gelochelidon nilotica

1 NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11:27, 9-Apr.

4, La Janda, 11-Apr.

5, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Caspian Tern  Hydroprogne caspia

2, on sand at Km-2 A2231, Barbate-Zahara, 7-Apr.

2, Barbate Estuary, 15-Apr.


Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia) © Fraser Simpson


Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon  Columba livia/C. livia domesticated

Common around human habitation.

26, at farm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

2, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

3 over, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

1, over Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.

1 displaying, Montenmedio/N340, 14-Apr.


Collared Dove  Streptopelia decaocto

Common around human habitatation.

Noted at Zahara, Atlanterra, La Zarzuela, El Almarchal, Tahivilla, Facinas, Benalup, Barbate, Los Caños de Meca, El Palmar, Conil de la Frontera,

10, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


European Turtle Dove  Streptopelia turtur

1, estuary, Zahara de los Atunes, 11-Apr.

1 singing, La Janda, 12-Apr.

2 singing mm, La Janda, 15-Apr.

Common Cuckoo  Cuculus canorus

Singing male, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-14 Apr.

1 singing, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.


Little Owl   Athene noctua

1, calling, El Palomar de la Breña, 9-Apr.

1, estuary/roundabout, Zahara de los Atunes, 11-Apr.

1, Km-7, A2227, La Zarzuela, 12-Apr.


Common Swift  Apus apus

Noted arriving on the coast most days.


Pallid Swift  Apus pallidus

10, over Hotel Gran Sol, Zahara de los Atunes, 6-Apr.

3, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

7, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 9-Apr.

65, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Alpine Swift  Apus melba

2, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocale, 13-Apr.


Little Swift  Apus affinus

2 NW, Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 14:04, 7-Apr.


Eurasian Hoopoe  Upupa epops

1, Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 9-Apr.

1, Embalse de Almodóvar, 13-Apr.


Common Kingfisher  Alcedo atthis

Pr, along the Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-14 Apr.


European Bee-eater  Merops apiaster

22, arrived in off the sea at 11:30, Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 7-Apr.

12, over Atlanterra, 12:30, 7-Apr.

101, north 12:10>16:42, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

38, arrived in off the sea, 11:18>12:06, Atlanterra, 9-Apr.

2, over Polistes study site near El Palmar, 9-Apr.

110, north 12:40, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

20 more north, 14:39, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

2 N, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

42, La Janda, 11-Apr.

50+, La Janda, 12-Apr.

14 N, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 13-Apr.

Heard, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.

4, Km-5, A2227, Zahara de los Atunes, 14-Apr.

2, Km-50, N340, 14-Apr.


European Bee-eater

Sound recording: Calls from a small feeding party.


European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) © Fraser Simpson


Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

1 drumming, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1 drumming, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

2 drumming, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 13-14 Apr.

1, Sendero Arroyo San Carlos del Tiradero, 14-Apr.


Great Spotted Woodpecker

Sound recording: Territorial drumming on mature Cork Oak; 15-17 taps in each 0.80-0.85 second roll (up to 11 rolls per minute).


Crested Lark  Galerida cristata

Common in many habitats.

Noted almost everywhere including Zahara, La Zarzuela, El Almarchal, Facinas, La Janda, Benalup, Barbate, Los Caños de Meca, El Palmar, Conil de la Frontera, Bolonia.


Thekla Lark  Galerida theklae

1, Puerto de Ojén-Embalse de Almodóvar, 8-Apr.

2, Embalse de Almodóvar, 10-Apr.


Greater Short-toed Lark  Calandrella brachydactyla                    

1 NW, Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 9-Apr.

1 singing, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Calandra Lark  Melanocorypha calandra

Several displaying in fields bordering the A-2227 between La Zarzuela and Venta de Retín.

1 displaying, Km-5 A2231, Barbate-Zahara, 7-Apr.

Several displaying, La Janda, 11-12 Apr.


Sand Martin  Riparia riparia

1, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Eurasian Crag Martin  Ptyonprogne rupestris

1, Atlanterra, 7-Apr.

4, Atlanterra, 9-Apr.


Barn Swallow  Hirundo rustica

Common throughout.

4, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.


Red-rumped Swallow  Cecropis daurica

2, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

6, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


House Martin  Delichon urbicum

Common around villages and towns.

10, Hotel Gran Sol, Zahara de los Atunes, 7-Apr.


Tawny Pipit  Anthus campestris

2, Mirador Puerto de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 13-Apr.


Water Pipit  Anthus spinoletta

1, La Janda, 15-Apr.


White Wagtail  Motacilla alba

1, Embalse de Almodóvar, 8-Apr.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Iberian Yellow Wagtail  Motacilla flava iberiae

1 NW, Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 9-Apr.

3, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

1, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Grey Wagtail  Motacilla cinerea

Pr, Sendero Arroyo San Carlos del Tiradero, 14-Apr.


White-throated Dipper  Cinclus cinclus

1, Sendero Arroyo San Carlos del Tiradero, 14-Apr.


European Robin  Erithacus rubecula

Abundant in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Common Nightingale  Luscinia megarhynchos

1 singing m, campsite, Playa de Zahara, 7-Apr

3 singing mm, El Palomar de la Breña, 9-Apr.

5 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


Common Nightingale

Sound recording: Excerpt of song from a continuous five minute bout from deep in evergreen scrub.


Northern Wheatear  Oenanthe oenanthe

2, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Black-eared Wheatear  Oenanthe hispanica

1, Barbate Estuary, 15-Apr.


Common Stonechat  Saxicola torquatus

Particularly common along the A-2231 coast road between Zahara and Barbate, and around Puerto de Ojén.

1, singing from end of the Sierra del Retín, 6-Apr.

Male, on dune, Atlanterra, 7-Apr.

1, campsite at Playa de Zahara de los Atunes, 9-Apr.

5 prs, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

4 singing m, Canal Colector del Este, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Common Stonechat

Sound recording: Territorial song, La Janda.


Common Stonechat (Saxicola torquatus) © Fraser Simpson


Common Blackbird  Turdus merula

Common in woodland and matorral habitats.

Noted at Breña de Barbate, Atlanterra, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, Bolonia.


Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

Abundant in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.



Sound recording: Territorial song from Cork Oak woodland.


Common Whitethroat  Sylvia communis

1 singing m, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

3 singing mm, La Janda, 11-12 Apr.


Common Whitethroat

Sound recording: Common Whitethroat singing from low vegetation beside the Canal Colector del Este, La Janda.


Sardinian Warbler  Sylvia melanocephala

Abundant in suitable habitat.

Noted at Playa de Zahara, Atlanterra, Breña de Barbate, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, Cabo de Gracia.

1 singing, Avenida de la Playa, Zahara de los Atunes.


Sardinian Warbler

Sound recording: Territorial song from skulking male in thorny, evergreen scrub on open cork oak slopes.


Spectacled Warbler  Sylvia conspicillata

1, La Janda, 15-Apr.


Subalpine Warbler  Sylvia cantillans

1 m, Polistes study site near El Palmar, 9-Apr.

2 mm, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Subalpine Warbler

Sound recording: Territorial song uttered from scrub.


Zitting Cisticola  Cisticola juncidis

Fairly common and widespread.

Noted at Zahara, La Zarzuela, El Almarchal, Barbate, La Janda, Cortijo Los Villares, El Palmar, Conil de la Frontera, Bolonia.

Several, displaying along the A2231 at the Barbate estuary, 7-Apr.

4 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

13 singing mm, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 11-Apr.

1 singing m, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 14-Apr.

1 singing, La Barca de Vejer, 14-Apr.


Zitting Cisticola

Sound recording: Song flight over treeless arable land.


Prickly Pear (Opuntia sp.) © Fraser Simpson


Cetti's Warbler  Cettia cetti

1, singing along stream, El Palomar de la Breña, 9-Apr.

5 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

6 singing mm, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 11-12 Apr.

3 singing mm, La Barca de Vejer, 14-Apr.


European Reed Warbler  Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Several singing mm, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 11-12 Apr.


Great Reed Warbler  Acrocephalus arundinaceus

1 singing m, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 11-Apr.

2 singing m, Canal Colector de Este, La Janda, 11-Apr.


Sedge Warbler  Acrocephalus

1 singing m, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


Melodious Warbler  Hippolais polyglotta

2 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.


Melodious Warbler

Sound recording: Melodious Warbler singing from a large patch of Giant Reed Arundo donax and thorn scrub.


Sonogram of Melodious Warbler  (Hippolais polyglotta) song © Fraser Simpson

Melodious Warbler  Hippolais polyglotta

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 55.9'' N  5º 56' 44.4'' E  3 April 2012  1832h

Sonogram of territorial song uttered at 2.5 metres from a large patch of Giant Reed Arundo donax and thorn scrub (distant noisy traffic in the background).  [File name: melodiouswarbler0403183215ecut1]


Western Bonelli's Warbler  Phylloscopus bonelli

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Western Bonelli's Warbler

Sound recording: Territorial/advertising song from Cork Oak woodland in Valle de Ojén.


Iberian Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus ibericus

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Iberian Chiffchaff

Sound recording: Iberian Chiffchaff singing from Cork Oak woodland in Valle de Ojén.


Firecrest  Regulus ignicapilla

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.



Sound recording: Firecrest singing from Cork Oak woodland in Valle de Ojén.


Eurasian Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Eurasian Wren

Sound recording: Wren singing from Cork Oak woodland in Valle de Ojén.


Great Tit  Parus major

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Great Tit

Sound recording: Territorial song from Cork Oak woodland.


Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus

Common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Blue Tit

Sound recording: Territorial song from Cork Oak woodland.


Crested Tit  Lophophanes cristatus

Pr, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

3 prs, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, 13-Apr.

1 calling, Sendero San Carlos del Tiradero, 14-Apr.


Crested Tit

Sound recording: Alarms calls from a pair at a potential nest site.


Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

Pr, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, 13-Apr.


Eurasian Nuthatch  Sitta europea

3 prs, Sendero Canuto Risco Blanco, 13-14 Apr.

Singing m, Sendero San Carlos del Tiradero, 14-Apr.


Eurasian Nuthatch

Sound recording: Nuthatch singing from Cork Oak woodland in Valle de Ojén.



 © Fraser Simpson


Short-toed Treecreeper  Certhia brachydactyla

Common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

1 singing, El Palomar de la Breña, 9-Apr.


Short-toed Treecreeper

Sound recording: Territorial song in Cork/Holm Oak woodland.


Woodchat Shrike  Lanius senator

1, Puerto de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

1, Embalse de Almodóvar, 10-Apr.

1, Km-2.5 A2227, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr.

2 mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

1, Canal Colector del Este, La Janda, 11-Apr.

4, Canal Colector del Este, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Eurasian Jay  Garrulus glandarius

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Western Jackdaw  Corvus monedula

2, Km-51, N340, 11-Apr.

100+, La Barca de Vejer, 14 -15 Apr.


Common Raven  Corvus corax

2, noted on drive, Malaga-Tarifa, 6-Apr.

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 11-Apr.

2, Sendero Canuto San Carlos del Tiradero, 14-Apr.

1, La Barca de Vejer, 14-Apr.

4, noted on drive, Tarifa-Malaga, 16-Apr.



biol7008 field course © Fraser Simpson


Spotless Starling  Sturnus unicolor

Common around human habitatation, agricultural areas, and semi-natural grassland.

Noted at Zahara, Atlanterra, Barbate, El Almarchal, Facinas, La Janda, Benalup, Barbate, Los Caños de Meca, El Palmar, Conil de la Frontera, Bolonia.


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

Common around human habitatation, agricultural areas, and semi-natural grassland.

Many nesting in the Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes.

20, dust-bathing, Avenida de la Playa, Zahara de los Atunes, 6-Apr.

Woken by singing House Sparrows outside my hotel room at 07:15, 7-Apr.


House Sparrow

Sound recording: Advertising songs at dawn.


Common Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

Common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.


Common Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

1, Km-3 A2231, Barbate-Zahara, 7-Apr.

4, Km-5 A2231, Barbate-Zahara, 7-Apr.

2, La Janda, 11-Apr.

2, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Common Linnet

Sound recording: Territorial song from Umbrella Pine Pinus pinea woodland; a continuous rambling series of squeaky notes interspersed with short trills (e.g. 5.1 to 5.5 secs) and whistles (e.g. at 6.7 sec).


European Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

Common throughout the area with both breeding birds and arriving migrants.

60 in one flock, La Janda, 11-12 Apr.


European Goldfinch

Sound recording: Perched song from Goldfinch in matorral habitat.


European Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

Fairly common throughout the area with both breeding birds and arriving migrants.

20+ in one flock, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

14, in one flock, La Janda, 12-Apr.


European Greenfinch

Sound recording: Song-flight display over marshland scrub (Nightingale in background).


European Serin  Serinus serinus

Several singing, Polistes study site near El Palmar, 9-Apr.

Several singing, El Palomar de la Breña, 9-Apr.

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr.

3, La Janda, 11-Apr.

1 displaying, La Barca de Vejer, 14-Apr.


European Serin

Sound recording: Song-flight display through Umbrella Pines (Pinus pinea).


Hawfinch  Coccothraustes coccothraustes

Heard calling, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 8-Apr.

5, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, 10-Apr.

1, Sendero Arroyo San Carlos de Tiradero, 13-Apr.



Sound recording: Inconspicuous and simple song uttered from Holm/Cork Oak woodland.


Corn Bunting  Miliaria calandra

Common and widespread in most open habitats including coastal dunes, rough pasture, agricultural fields & marshes.

Noted around Zahara de los Atunes, La Zarzuela, El Almarchal, Parque Eolico, Venta de Retín, La Janda, Benalup, Barbate, Cortijo Los Villares, El Palmar, Conil de la Frontera, Facinas, Embalse de Almodóvar, Bolonia.

11 singing mm, Canal Colector del Este, La Janda, 12-Apr.


Corn Bunting

Sound recording: Corn Bunting singing from low vegetation beside the Canal Colector del Este, La Janda.


Corn Bunting (Miliaria calandra) © Fraser Simpson




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Playa de Zahara © Fraser Simpson

All photographs © 2013  F. S. Simpson

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