Ross's Gull European Bee-eater Barrow's Goldeneye Buff-breasted Sandpiper Ivory Gull


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December 2019

Dec 31st

Kilmarnock-Prestwick-Troon-Irvine, Ayrshire [Trip Report]:

Skylark (200), Monkton; Little Egret, Greenshank, Whooper Swan (6), Pow Burn; Long-tailed Duck (2), Knot (320), Purple Sandpiper (18), Golden Plover (137), Turnstone (51), Red-throated Diver (2), Black Guillemot (2), Shag (44), Eider (44), Red-breasted Merganser (4), Rock Pipit (12), Troon area; Mediterranean Gull (ad), Common Scoter (2), Eider (110), Oystercatcher (185), Barassie; Curlew (108), Laigh Hillhouse; Siskin (12), Gailes; Wigeon (123), Irvine beach park; Knot (222), Sanderling (5), Turnstone (45), Shag (4), Red-breasted Merganser (2), Irvine harbour mouth; Wigeon (400+), Oystercatcher (204), Lapwing (200+), Curlew (40+), Goldeneye (2), Red-breasted Merganser (2), Irvine harbour/Bogside; Dipper (singing), River Irvine, Dreghorn; Tawny Owl, Dreghorn.


Dec 30th

Kilmarnock-Galston, Ayrshire [Trip Report]:

Mediterranean Gull (ad), Goosander (8), Dipper (singing) Kay Park, Kilmarnock; Kingfisher, Dipper (singing) River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn; Dipper (singing) River Irvine, Milton Mill; Water Rail, Ladyton Loch; Lesser Redpoll (2), Loudoun Kirk; Dipper (singing), River Irvine, Loudoun Kirk; Dipper (singing), Jay, Craufurdland Water, Bringan Ford; Jack Snipe, North Craig Reservoir.


Dec 29th

Kilmarnock-Shewalton, Ayrshire [Trip Report]:

Tree Sparrow (4), Springside Farm; Lesser Redpoll (3), Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line; Mediterranean Gull (ad), Dipper (singing) Capringstone Flash & Annick Water; Brambling (f), Corsehill Mount; Goosander (3), River Irvine, Dreghorn-Shewalton; Gadwall (pr), Goldeneye (6), Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Rd.


Dec 28th

Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line, Ayrshire [Trip Report]:

A survey by bike along the course of the old railway line (now a cycle path NCN Route 73) between Bonnyton, Kilmarnock and Dreghorn produced 2608 individuals of 56 species:

Rook (648), Jackdaw (538), Fieldfare (284), Pink-footed Goose (270), Starling (202), Redwing (163), Blackbird (42), Magpie (38), Goldfinch (35), Chaffinch (27), Stock Dove (27), Siskin (25), House Sparrow (22), Blue Tit (21), Robin (20), Wren (20), Long-tailed Tit (17), Wood Pigeon (17), Tree Sparrow (16), Dunnock (15), Herring Gull (15), Mallard (13), Greylag Goose (12), Skylark (12), Bullfinch (10), Carrion Crow (10), Great Tit (10), Goldcrest (9), Song Thrush (7), Yellowhammer (7), Feral Pigeon (5), Reed Bunting (5), Buzzard (4), Common Gull  (4), Greenfinch (4), Meadow Pipit (4), Collared Dove (3), Treecreeper (3), Goosander (2), Grey Wagtail (2), Kestrel (2), Linnet (2), Pheasant (2), Teal (2), Chiffchaff (1), Dipper (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1), Grey Heron (1), Jay (1), Kingfisher (1), Mistle Thrush (1), Peregrine (1), Pied Wagtail (1), Raven (1), Snipe (1), Sparrowhawk (1).


Dec 27th

Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, Ayrshire [Trip Report]:

Fieldfare (89), Redwing (141), Goldfinch (18), Stock Dove (17), Siskin (12). Bullfinch (3), Buzzard (1), Kestrel (1), Dipper (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (2), Jay (3), Raven (2), Sparrowhawk (f), Kingfisher (1)., Yellowhammer (2), Skylark (17), Reed Bunting (1).


Dec 23rd

Train journey from Essex to Glasgow: 46 species recorded: Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Robin, Ring-necked Parakeet, Goldcrest, Blackbird, House Sparrow, Canada Goose, Tufted Duck, Lapwing, Starling, Carrion Crow, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Feral Pigeon, Black-headed Gull, Stock Dove, Jackdaw, Red Kite, Rook, Common Gull, Mute Swan, Buzzard, Collared Dove, Mallard, Cormorant, Siskin, Coot, Sparrowhawk, Greylag Goose, Pochard, Snipe, Moorhen, Grey Heron, Pied Wagtail, Kestrel, Goldfinch, Fieldfare, Redwing, Grey Partridge, Chaffinch, Curlew, Teal, Raven, Goosander, Pink-footed Goose.




River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Dec 22nd

Avocet (1), Lapwing (112), Curlew (1), Redshank (1), Little Egret (1), Starling (65).


Dec 19th

Greylag Goose (7), Wigeon (2), Lapwing (3), Curlew (2), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (ad m).


Dec 18th

Greylag Goose (42), Shelduck (4), Teal (16), Lapwing (195), Curlew (1), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Goshawk (m - seen previously at Wennington 14.11.19 & 05.12.19), Long-tailed Tit (6), Rock Pipit (1).


Dec 17th

Wigeon (1), Avocet (1), Golden Plover (6), Lapwing (164), Redshank (2), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Fieldfare (4), Water Pipit (1).


Dec 16th

Shelduck (2), Wigeon (2), Lapwing (132), Fieldfare (2), Rock Pipit (1).


Dec 15th

Greylag Goose (67), Shelduck (2), Gadwall (3), Wigeon (40), Mallard (7), Pintail (2), Teal (42), Fieldfare (2).


Dec 14th

Mallard (2), Teal (14), Avocet (35), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (137), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (3), Redshank (4), Little Egret (1), Fieldfare (1).


Dec 13th

Gadwall (2), Mallard (2), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (128), Black-tailed Godwit (6), .


Dec 12th

Greylag Goose (64), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (257), Dunlin (43), Redshank (2), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Buzzard (1), Redwing (1), Fieldfare (7), Stonechat (1).


Dec 11th

Teal (7), Little Grebe (1), Lapwing (106), Dunlin (21), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (1), Buzzard (1), Redwing (3), Fieldfare (8).


Dec 10th

Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (327), Dunlin (82), Yellow-legged Gull (1).


Dec 9th

Gadwall (1), Wigeon (4), Pintail (f), Teal (2), Avocet (25), Lapwing (4), Dunlin (2), Curlew (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (1), Shag (imm).


Dec 8th

Shelduck (2), Moorhen (1), Avocet (33), Lapwing (435), Grey Plover (1), Dunlin (212), Little Egret (2), Rock Pipit (1).


Dec 7th

Goosander (redhead), Avocet (3), Lapwing (176), Curlew (1), Dunlin (219), Redshank (13), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Great Black-backed Gull (41), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Ring-necked Parakeet (15).


Dec 6th

Teal (1), Avocet (1), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (348), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (9), Dunlin (721), Redshank (13), Yellow-legged Gull (1).


Dec 5th

Shelduck (2), Lapwing (293), Curlew (2), Black-tailed Godwit (3), Dunlin (1107), Redshank (5), Yellow-legged Gull (1).


Dec 4th

Wigeon (35), Teal (4), Lapwing (348), Dunlin (603), Redshank (10), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Water Pipit (1).


Dec 3rd

Teal (8), Lapwing (208), Curlew (1), Dunlin (534), Redshank (4), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Buzzard (1).


Dec 2nd

Wigeon (33), Lapwing (331), Dunlin (153), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Caspian Gull (ad), Buzzard (2), Fieldfare (17), Linnet (18).


Dec 1st

Greylag Goose (40), Shelduck (2), Gadwall (5), Wigeon (6), Mallard (14), Teal (8), Lapwing (376), Dunlin (1016), Redshank (8),  Common Gull (40), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Caspian Gull (ad), Little Egret (2), Jay (1), Fieldfare (31).




November 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Nov 30h

Greylag Goose (34), Shelduck (2), Gadwall (2), Wigeon (42), Grey Plover (1), Golden Plover (2), Lapwing (417), Curlew (1), Common Gull (20), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Great Black-backed Gull (39), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Barn Owl (1), Short-eared Owl (1), Fieldfare (13), Stonehchat (3).


Nov 29th

Gadwall (20, Wigeon (38), Teal (39), Lapwing (281), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Fieldfare (9).


Nov 28th

Egyptian Goose (2), Shelduck (2), Mute Swan (2), Lapwing (3), Curlew (1), Redwing (2), Fieldfare (5).


Nov 27th

Shelduck (2), Wigeon (4), Mallard (13), Teal (10), Lapwing (390), Dunlin (654), Redshank (2), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Stonechat (2).


Nov 26th

Shelduck (2), Avovet (4), Golden Plover (1), Lapwing (331), Ruff (1), Dunlin (339), Redshank (7), Yellow-legged Gull (2).


Nov 25th

Shelduck (2), Lapwing (136), Curlew (3), Dunlin (674), Redshank (1), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Fieldfare (44).


Nov 24th

Greylag Goose (21), Shelduck (2), Gadwall (2), Wigeon (6), Teal (6), Avocet (1), Lapwing (322), Curlew (12), Black-tailed Godwit (3), Dunlin (692), Redshank (31), Common Gull (63), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Little Egret (2), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Buzzard (1), Ring-necked Parakeet (7), Fieldfare (70), Stonechat (2).


Nov 23rd

Shelduck (2), Teal (6), Avocet (15), Lapwing (278), Dunlin (668), Redshank (12), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Great Black-backed Gull (43), Little Egret (1), Buzzard (1), Short-eared Owl (1), Fieldfare (70), Stonechat (1),


Nov 22nd

Shelduck (3), Shoveler (1), Wigeon (8), Avocet (32), Lapwing (118), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (21), Dunlin (189), Redshank (27), Fieldfare (70).


Nov 21st

Shelduck (2), Lapwing (395), Curlew (1), Dunlin (800), Redshank (6), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Fieldfare (70).


Nov 20th

Teal (12), Moorhen (1), Lapwing (304), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Dunlin (1027), Redshank (9), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Fieldfare (70), Water Pipit (1)


Nov 19th

Wigeon (16), Teal (8), Lapwing (334), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Dunlin (407), Redshank (12), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Buzzard (1), Fieldfare (65).


Nov 18th

Greylag Goose (60), Shelduck (2), Wigeon (38), Teal (1), Lapwing (396), Dunlin (731), Redshank (2), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Ring-necked Parakeet (8), Fieldfare (70+), Goldfinch (40).


Nov 17th

Greylag Goose (77), Shelduck (2), Gadwall (8), Wigeon (36), Mallard (13), Teal (19), Lapwing (432), Curlew (1), Ruff (1), Dunlin (482), Redshank (31), Common Gull (15), Little Egret (6), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Ring-necked Parakeet (7), Fieldfare (47).


Nov 16th

Shelduck (2), Gadwall (12), Wigeon (46), Teal (14), Avocet (1), Golden Plover (10), Lapwing (310), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Dunlin (200), Redshank (13), Common Gull (8), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Little Egret (3), Marsh Harrier (ad f), Short-eared Owl (1), Stock Dove (6), Firecrest (1), Starling (417).


Nov 15th

Wigeon (5), Teal (7), Golden Plover (12), Lapwing (243), Dunlin (146), Redshank (3), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Buzzard (1), Fieldfare (73), Redwing (10), Stock Dove (12).


Nov 14th

Gadwall (4), Wigeon (8), Teal (19), Golden Plover (4), Lapwing (419), Curlew (1), Dunlin (303), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Redwing (7), Fieldfare (76).


Nov 13th

Wigeon (14), Lapwing (451), Dunlin (476), Redshank (7), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Fieldfare (14), Stonechat (1).


Nov 11th

Wigeon (10), Lapwing (182), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Ring Ouzel (m), Fieldfare (5).


Nov 10th

Mallard (17), Teal (11), Avocet (27), Lapwing (450), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Dunlin (163), Redshank (13), Jackdaw (2), Stonechat (1).


Nov 9th

Shelduck (6), Wigeon (10), Mallard (26), Teal (11), Avocet (32), Grey Plover (1), Golden Plover (2), Lapwing (447), Curlew (4), Black-tailed Godwit (4), Dunlin (400), Redshank (19), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Fieldfare (8), Stonechat (1), Linnet (18).


Nov 8th

Gadwall (2), Wigeon (6), Avocet (31), Grey Plover (1), Golden Plover (3), Lapwing (451), Curlew (7), Black-tailed Godwit (6), Dunlin (254), Redshank (14), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Fieldfare (36).


Nov 7th

Shelduck (8), Wigeon (23), Teal (7), Avocet (29), Lapwing (427), Curlew (7), Black-tailed Godwit (5), Dunlin (90), Buzzard (1), Stock Dove (14), Rock Pipit (1).


Nov 6th

Dark-bellied Brent Goose (1), Shelduck (3), Wigeon (4), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (367), Curlew (2), Black-tailed Godwit (2), Dunlin (57), Green Sandpiper (1), Redshank (56), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Buzzard (1).


Nov 5th

Shelduck (6), Gadwall (4), Teal (4), Lapwing (208), Dunlin (75), Redshank (25), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Fieldfare (7).


Nov 4th

Shelduck (2), Lapwing (169), Curlew (1), Redshank (48), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Fieldfare (51).


Nov 3rd

Shelduck (3), Teal (8), Golden Plover (11), Lapwing (163), Curlew (2), Dunlin (16), Redshank (15), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Great Black-backed Gull (42), Little Egret (1), Sparrowhawk (1), Buzzard (1), Peregrine (1), Goldcrest (2), Fieldfare (6), Stonechat (3), Rock Pipit (1), Corn Bunting (2).


Nov 2nd

Shelduck (8), Wigeon (3), Avocet (1), Golden Plover (8), Lapwing (180), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Dunlin (3), Black-headed Gull (2300), Great Black-backed Gull (32), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Peregrine (1).


Nov 1st

Shelduck (8), Teal (4), Avocet (1), Golden Plover (9), Lapwing (147), Dunlin (52), Redshank (26), Yellow-legged Gull (4), Little Egret (1), Grey Wagtail (1).




October 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Oct 31st

Shelduck (5), Golden Plover (55), Lapwing (151), Curlew (1), Dunlin (42), Redshank (14), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Marsh Harrier (f), Fieldfare (8).


Oct 30th

Wigeon (117), Teal (8), Grey Plover (1), Golden Plover (3), Lapwing (143), Curlew (1), Dunlin (24), Little Stint (1), Redshank (3), Yellow-legged Gull (4), Greenfinch (5).


Oct 29th

Teal (8), Grey Plover (3), Lapwing (139), Curlew (2), Dunlin (25), Redshank (18), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Little Egret (1), Buzzard (1), Redwing (2), Fieldfare (16), Stonechat (1).


Oct 28th

Gadwall (4), Wigeon (2), Teal (8), Lapwing (129), Curlew (1), Dunlin (14), Redshank (17), Stonechat (1), Rock Pipit (1).


Oct 27th

Wigeon (61), Mallard (17), Teal (7), Avocet (16), Black-tailed Godwit (2), Dunlin (4), Little Egret (1).


Oct 26th

Wigeon (2), Mallard (29), Teal (20), Avocet (19), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (157), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Knot (2), Ruff (1m), Dunlin (13), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (44), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Buzzard (1).


Oct 25th

Gadwall (2), Teal (2), Avocet (6), Grey Plover (2), Golden Plover (43), Lapwing (192), Ringed Plover (1), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (31), Sanderling (2), Dunlin (19), Redshank (70), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Little Egret (2), Buzzard (1), Cettis Warbler (1), Stonechat (1).


Oct 24th

Fog! Limited visibility. Little Egret (1).


Oct 23rd

Great Crested Grebe (1), Teal (9), Avocet (29), Golden Plover (3), Lapwing (180), Curlew (2), Dunlin (12), Redshank (110), Mediterranean Gull (1st-w), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Fieldfare (2), Rock Pipit (1).


Oct 22nd

Guillemot (1), Avocet (6), Golden Plover (3), Lapwing (183), Dunlin (10), Curlew (3), Black-tailed Godwit (126), Redshank (109), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Cetti's Warbler (1).


Oct 21st

Common Scoter (ad m), Golden Plover (2), Lapwing (158), Dunlin (2), Redshank (22), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Little Egret (1), Stock Dove (26).


Oct 20th

Dark-bellied Brent Goose (1), Wigeon (6), Avocet (26), Lapwing (127), Curlew (1), Black-tailed d Godwit (3), Redshank (47), Yellow-legged Gull (4), Little Egret, Marsh Harrier (ad m), Rock Pipit (1), Stock Dove (31).


Oct 19th

Shelduck (1), Avocet (1), Lapwing (156), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (3), Dunlin (1), Redshank (62), Yellow-legged Gull (5, Buzzard (1), House Martin (2), Jackdaw (14 S), Rook (2 S), Stonechat (1).


Oct 18th

Shelduck (1), Avocet (22), Lapwing (148), Black-tailed Godwit (26), Dunlin (1), Redshank (41), Yellow-legged Gull (7), Buzzard (1), Stock Dove (28), Ring-necked Parakeet (10).


Oct 17th

Lapwing (156), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (4), Dunlin (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (52), Yellow-legged Gull (9), Jay (1), Magpie (16), Swallow (1), Stonechat (1),


Oct 16th

Avocet (19), Lapwing (73), Black-tailed Godwit (67), Ruff (m), Dunlin (2), Redshank (71), Yellow-legged Gull (4), Skylark (27), Song Thrush (2), Redwing (4), Ring Ouzel (f), Rock Pipit (1).


Oct 15th

Great Crested Grebe (1), Avocet (12), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (104), Black-tailed Godwit (62), Redshank (37), Yellow-legged Gull (4).


Oct 14th

Wigeon (3), Avocet (2), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (78), Black-tailed Godwit (10), Redshank (23), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Stock Dove (60).


Oct 13th

Greylag Goose (71), Mallard (24), Teal (8), Avocet (21), Grey Plover (2), Lapwing (172), Curlew (3), Black-tailed Godwit (59), Redshank (70), Yellow-legged Gull (4), Little Egret (2), Buzzard (1), Stock Dove (65), Starling (145), Goldfinch (60).


Oct 12th

Wigeon (21), Avocet (12), Grey Plover (2), Golden Plover (15), Lapwing (48), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (8), Redshank (73), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Great Black-backed Gull (42), Buzzard (1).


Oct 11th

Avocet (6), Grey Plover (1), Lapwing (27), Black-tailed Godwit (3), Redshank (5), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Little Egret (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1), Stock Dove (21).


Oct 10th

Avocet (1), Lapwing (82), Curlew (1), Common Sandpiper (2), Redshank (27), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Little Egret (1), Stock Dove (70).


Oct 9th

Mallard (10), Teal (6), Avocet (24), Grey Plover (1), Golden Plover (15), Lapwing (81), Curlew (1), Redshank (52), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Jay (1), Swallow (2), Goldfinch (32).


Oct 8th

Mallard (22), Teal (12), Avocet (21), Lapwing (61), Curlew (2), Redshank (98), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Buzzard (1), Jackdaw (2), Grey Wagtail (1).


Oct 7th

Canada Goose (25), Shelduck (2), Gadwall (3), Wigeon (4), Mallard (18), Teal (10), Avocet (15), Lapwing (53), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (3), Redshank (103).


Oct 6th

Humpback Whale (juv), Wigeon (13), Teal (9), Great Crested Grebe (1), Avocet (8), Lapwing (41), Curlew (2), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (34), Yellow-legged Gull (5),  Mediterranean Gull (1st-w), Grey Heron (8), Little Egret (2).


Oct 5th

 Teal (7), Great Crested Grebe (1), Lapwing (33), Redshank (48), Yellow-legged Gull (7), Little Egret (1), Merlin (f/imm), Stonechat (2).


Oct 4th

Teal (4), Lapwing (7), Redshank (79), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Buzzard (1), Stock Dove (60+).


Oct 3rd

Teal (7), Lapwing (7), Curlew (2), Redshank (17), Yellow-legged Gull (5), Stock Dove (60+), Chiffchaff (2).


Oct 2nd

Teal (8), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Redshank (3), Yellow-legged Gull (4),  Sandwich Tern (11 upriver), Marsh Harrier (juv), Little Egret (1), Stock Dove (60), Ring-necked Parakeet (15),


Oct 1st

Canada Goose (24), Teal (8), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (6), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Sandwich Tern (11 upriver), Marsh Harrier (juv), Little Egret (1), Skylark (10), Swallow (1), House Martin (1).





September 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Sep 30th

Shag (1), Teal (9), Avocet (1), Lapwing (2), Redshank (6), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Stock Dove (25), Goldfinch (65).


Sep 29th

Mallard (18), Avocet (11), Lapwing (121), Ringed Plover (6), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (47), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Common Tern (1), Little Egret (1), Stock Dove (25).


Sep 28th

Teal (9), Avocet (7), Lapwing (107), Ringed Plover (6), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Redshank (47), Yellow-legged Gull (4), Little Egret (1), Stock Dove (30).


Sep 27th

Teal (19), Lapwing (74), Ringed Plover (6), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Redshank (1), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Ring-necked Parakeet (10), Stock Dove (35), Goldfinch (34).


Sep 25th

Teal (17), Avocet (14), Lapwing (29), Ringed Plover (8), Curlew (2), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Sanderling (1), Dunlin (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Greenshank (1), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Great Black-backed Gull (46), Little Egret (1), Stock Dove (30), Jay (1), Barn Swallow (37), House Martin (36).


Sep 24th

Gadwall (2), Teal (27), Avocet (17), Lapwing (32), Ringed Plover (6), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Redshank (35), Yellow-legged Gull (2).


Sep 23rd

Teal (27), Avocet (11), Lapwing (31), Curlew (2), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Redshank (43), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Stock Dove (19).




August 2019


France 17-27 Jun 2019: Black-necked Grebe, White Stork, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Lammergeier, Golden Eagle, Honey Buzzard, Black Woodpecker, Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Crag Martin, Water Pipit, Alpine Accentor, Marsh Tit, Nutcracker, Chough, Alpine Chough, Italian Sparrow, Snowfinch, Rock Bunting.


Wood Cricket, Southern Sickle-bearing Bush-cricket, Common Wart-biter, Grey Bush-cricket, Bicolor Meadow Bush-cricket, Purple Meadow Bush-cricket, Common Mountain Bush-cricket, Small Alpine Bush-cricket, Italian Grasshopper, High Mountain Grasshopper, Common Mountain Grasshopper, Green Mountain Grasshopper, Small Gold Grasshopper, Large Gold Grasshopper, Large Banded Grasshopper, Club-legged Grasshopper, Alpine Thick-necked Grasshopper, Orange-tipped Grasshopper, Wing-buzzing Toothed Grasshopper, Common Straw Grasshopper, Ladder Grasshopper, Locomotive Grasshopper, Lesser Grasshopper, Bow-winged Grasshopper.



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Aug 22nd

Common Sandpiper (2), Yellow-legged Gull (2).


Aug 19th

Common Sandpiper (2), Yellow-legged Gull (6), Common Tern (1), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (juv), Buzzard (1), Willow Warbler (2), Tree Pipit (1 S).


Aug 5th

Swift (7), Avocet (3), Oystercatcher (1), Black-tailed Godwit (8), Yellow-legged Gull (25), Common Tern (3), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Buzzard (1), Kestrel (2), House Martin (17), Yellow Wagtail (2 S).


Aug 4th

Mallard (15), Swift (10), Avocet (5), Oystercatcher (1), Black-tailed Godwit (22), Common Sandpiper (1), Yellow-legged Gull (41), Common Tern (1), Little Egret (1), Marsh Marsh (ad m), Buzzard (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1).


Aug 3rd

Shelduck (11), Oystercatcher (1), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Yellow-legged Gull (78), Common Tern (4), Little Egret (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1).


Aug 2nd

Oystercatcher (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Yellow-legged Gull (31), Common Tern (4), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Buzzard (1).




July 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Jul 31st

Canada Goose (40), Oystercatcher (2), Black-tailed Godwit (2), Yellow-legged Gull (17), Marsh Harrier (ad m).


Jul 30th

Gadwall (1), Oystercatcher (2), Turnstone (2), Dunlin (2), Yellow-legged Gull (14), Common Tern (1), Little Egret (1), Buzzard (1).


Jul 29th

Oystercatcher (1), Ringed Plover (2), Common Sandpiper (1), Yellow-legged Gull (6), Common Tern (1),


Jul 28th

Great Crested Grebe (1), Avocet (3), Black-tailed Godwit (4), Dunlin (1), Common Sandpiper (4), Spotted Redshank (1), Greenshank (1), Redshank (1), Mediterranean Gull (2nd-s), Yellow-legged Gull (3), Common Tern (4), Starling (120).


Jul 27th

Teal (1), Tufted Duck (f), Oystercatcher (4), Lapwing (1), Whimbrel (1), Black-tailed Godwit (11), Curlew Sandpiper (ad), Sanderling (2), Dunlin (4), Common Sandpiper (3), Yellow-legged Gull (14), Common Tern (1), Buzzard (1), Peregrine (2 juvs).


Jul 23rd

Oystercatcher (4), Black-tailed Godwit (4), Common Sandpiper (3), Yellow-legged Gull (23), Common Tern (2).




June 2019


Northern Finland & Varanger, Norway 17-27 Jun 2019: Bean Goose, Velvet Scoter, King Eider, Long-tailed Duck, Smew, Willow Grouse, Western Capercaillie, Black-throated Diver, Red-throated Diver, White-tailed Eagle, Osprey, Rough-legged Buzzard, Eurasian Crane, Dotterel, Temminck's Stint, Spotted Redshank, Bar-tailed Godwit, Jack Snipe, Red-necked Phalarope, Arctic Skua, Long-tailed Skua, Arctic Tern, Brunnich's Guillemot, Puffin, Great Grey Owl, Three-toed Woodpecker, Horned Lark, Red-throated Pipit, Grey-headed Wagtail, Waxwing, Bluethroat, Arctic Warbler, Siberian Tit, Siberian Jay, Brambling, Arctic Redpoll, Pine Grosbeak, Parrot Crossbill, Little Bunting, Lapland Bunting, Snow Bunting.


Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England 7-14 Jun 2019: Goosander, Osprey, Dipper, Wheatear, Cuckoo, Redstart, Garden Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Nuthatch, Yellowhammer.



May 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


May 28th

Gadwall (2), Cuckoo (m), Swift (2), Oystercatcher (pr +3), Lapwing (6), Redshank (1), Little Egret (1), Barn Owl (1).


May 19th

Great Crested Grebe (2), Shelduck (8), Shoveler (2), Gadwall (2), Cuckoo (m), Oystertcatcher (pr - still incubating), Lapwing (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Redshank (1), Mediterranean Gull (2 high over calling), Common Tern (1), Short-eared Owl (1), Barn Owl (1), Hobby (3), Cetti's Warbler (singing on Kent side, heard from Essex side).


May 18th

Shelduck (6), Gadwall (4), Oystercatcher (pr incubating), Common Sandpiper (1), Arctic Tern (2), Common Tern (22), Short-eared Owl (1), Barn Owl (1), Hobby (3), Swift (19).


May 17th

Shelduck (4), Shoveler (4), Gadwall (2), Tufted Duck (2), Oystercatcher (4 inc pr incubating), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Short-eared Owl (1), Buzzard.




Apr 9th-19th

Costa de la Luz, Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain: Great Egret, Spoonbill, Purple Heron, Northern Bald Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Greater Flamingo, Griffon Vulture, Short-toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, Montagu's Harrier, Lesser Kestrel, Purple Swamphen, Collared Pratincole, Slender-billed Gull, Audouin's Gull, Gull-billed Tern, Whiskered Tern, Lesser Crested Tern, Caspian Tern, Little Swift, Turtle Dove, Greater Short-toed Lark, Calandra Lark, Tawny Pipit, Red-rumped Swallow, Black-eared Wheatear, Iberian Chiffchaff, Western Bonelli's Warbler, Western Subalpine Warber, Spanish Sparrow.



April 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Apr 28th

Shelduck (5), Gadwall (2), Red-breasted Merganser (f), Oystercatcher (pr), Whimbrel (1), Bar-tailed Godwit (1), Dunlin (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Mediterranean Gull (2 ads), Common Tern (2), Arctic Tern (6 downriver), Little Egret (2), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Starling (102).


Apr 8th

Shelduck (18), Shoveler (2), Teal (14), Oystercatcher (2), Ringed Plover (3), Curlew (6), Dunlin (5), Redshank (8), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Common Tern (1), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Peregrine (1), Swallow (4), Cetti's Warbler (1).




March 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Mar 31st

Egyptian Goose (1), Shelduck (4), Gadwall (4), Wigeon (6), Teal (14), Avocet (2), Oystercatcher (2), Curlew (2), Redshank (1), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Chihhchaff (1).




February 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Feb 3rd

Gadwall (2), Wigeon (18), Teal (24), Avocet (46), Lapwing (71), Curlew (1), Redshank (2), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier  (juv), Long-tailed Tit (7), House Sparrow (10), Reed Bunting (1).


Feb 2nd

Shelduck (2), Shoveler (9), Wigeon (8), Teal (3), Avocet (44), Lapwing (73), Curlew (9), Dunlin (85), Redshank (25), Common Gull (178),  Herring Gull (420), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Caspian Gull (2nd-w + 3rd-w), Lesser Black-backed Gull (132), Great Black-backed Gull (31), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Peregrine (juv), Ring-necked Parakeet (2), Fieldfare (3).




January 2019



River Thames, Purfleet, Essex (observations from my window)


Jan 26th

Shelduck (6), Gadwall (13), Wigeon (37), Teal (23), Avocet (47), Lapwing (309), Curlew (1), Black-tailed Godwit (67), Dunlin (201), Redshank (8), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Great Black-backed Gull (42), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Ring-necked Parakeet (16), Carrion Crow (93), Fieldfare (18), Water Pipit (1), Linnet (22).


Jan 24th

Shelduck (2), Gadwall (1), Wigeon (5), Lapwing (183), Curlew (1), Dunlin (34), Redshank (4), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Ring-necked Parakeet (2), Fieldfare (18).


Jan 23rd

Teal (2), Lapwing (78), Curlew (1), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Fieldfare (18).


Jan 22nd

Shelduck (3), Lapwing (77), Curlew (1), Dunlin (6), Jackdaw (2), Ring-necked Parakeet (6), Redwing (2), Fieldfare (19).


Jan 21st

Wigeon (13), Mallard (26), Teal (23), Lapwing (181), Dunlin (226), Redshank (23).


Jan 20th

Shelduck (4), Gadwall (2), Wigeon (5), Mallard (25), Teal (23), Avocet (35), Curlew (8), Dunlin (221), Redshank (16), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Little Egret (3), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Ring-necked Parakeet (14), Fieldfare (23).


Jan 19th

Dark-bellied Brent Goose (1), Shelduck (3), Gadwall (), Wigeon (14), Lapwing (37), Dunlin (9), Redshank (5), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Marsh Harrier (ad m), Barn Owl (1), Ring-necked Parakeet (2), Fieldfare (18).


Jan 6th

Shelduck (7), Gadwall (6), Wigeon (7), Teal (23), Curlew (9), Black-tailed Godwit (24), Redshank (43), Yellow-legged Gull (2), Little Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (juv m).


Jan 5th

Shelduck (4), Shoveler (1), Gadwall (2), Wigeon (2), Teal (16), Little Grebe (1), Lapwing (263), Curlew (6), Black-tailed Godwit (2), Dunlin (91), Redshank (8), Yellow-legged Gull (4), Little Egret (1), Fieldfare (6).


Jan 2nd

Pink-footed Goose (1), Shelduck (6), Wigeon (8), Teal (9), Little Grebe (1), Avocet (26), Lapwing (389), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Dunlin (42), Redshank (22), Kittiwake (ad), Little Egret (3), Ring-necked Parakeet (2), Carrion Crow (77), Redwing (15), Fieldfare (125).


Jan 1st

Dark-bellied Brent Goose (1), Shelduck (4), Shoveler (2), Gadwall (1), Wigeon (31), Teal (13), Little Grebe (1), Avocet (20), Golden Plover (1), Lapwing (489), Curlew (10), Black-tailed Godwit (6), Dunlin (37), Snipe (3), Redshank (9), Black-headed Gull (2200), Yellow-legged Gull (1), Caspian Gull (1st-w), Great Black-backed Gull (43), Little Egret (2), Marsh Harrier (ad m + juv), Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Kestrel, Merlin (juv f), Peregrine, Ring-necked Parakeet (7), Carrion Crow (76), Redwing (17), Fieldfare (110), Rock Pipit (1), Reed Bunting (1).



River Thames, Purfleet © Fraser Simpson




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